Learn to live for others
And let us not grow weary while doing well, for in due time we will reap, if we faint not.(Galatians 6: 9)Learn to live for others- It is one scripture that from time to time to remind and encourage me to "keep on going". There was a time-time that my flesh, which I believe to get input from the devil, saying "why are you doing all this?" "What's in it for yourself?'' "Is not there anyone else who can do all of that?" The voices in my heart like this frankly often intimidate the children of God to stop serving God and others or to make the truth of God's Word. We feel that there is no need to do any of that, because if all in vain. This is where the real will clearly between people - those who understand his vocation, to know God and the faithful will be the goal of his life compared with those who have no other purpose than itself.

Life would be so narrow and does not mean if all the hard work and the results of our life is just to us. Conversely, a meaningful life is a life that can also be appreciated by others who have tasted and tasted how sweet, how meaningful our lives for others the same no blood relationship with us. This is how God works bless and provide aid to many people, is by wearing your life and my life to be his arm. But for us also, it will not be in vain, for He who promised is faithful and fair. The time will come, will come harvest season for those who do not grow weary in doing well in the fields of the Lord.
Do a good job compared as an athlete or runner must not be weak if it wants to win and succeed, or as a wealthy farmer who must not be weak or discouraged or quit before the harvest arrives. Likewise, we are the children of God who faithfully serve the Lord and do well for others. Do not quit before the harvest arrives. Harvest is when farmers receive his reward, and for us, the time of payment of wages is when we go back to Heaven. Set in the heart, and my heart to remain faithful, still do not get discouraged when we do a good job for the Lord and King. Do not quit before the harvest arrives.
Have a blessed day. GBU
See also: from now learn to live fairly
Deny Themselves and Become Adult
we understand that human beings are wrapped in the spirit and the soul inhabits the body or flesh. The three components, namely: spirit, soul and body are an important part and parcel of a living human being. We are aware that the struggle against sin, or often called against flesh was understood as a struggle inside the human body, but is it so? Is it true that we have to fight there in the sin that originated in the body? Or could it all is merely a manifestation of sin that has been thriving? Here is the correct understanding of the Word of God, which enables us to understand the revelation contained therein. Psalm of David gives us the answer, actually fighting the sin is in the "soul" of a person.Formed the soul of the things that we know as: thoughts, feelings, emotions or the will, imagination, and so forth. Indeed, that is where the battle fields of sin begin, in one's soul. What one does with her body like killing, stealing, adultery, lying, and other sins, it's just a manifestation of sin who are already grown and nurtured in the soul, which in his mind, in his dreams, in his feelings, and so on. That is where the battle fields of sin begin. Learn to fight sin at the beginning of the process of formation, like the way David did: "... I have calmed and quieted my soul." Do not constantly spit and raise the desire of the soul, calm him, even if necessary, leave him at all.
Desires born of the soul as negative thoughts, dirty, hatred and disappointment, delusion wrong, obscene, stuff it was a place of birth and flourishing of sin. One does not suddenly fall into the sin of infidelity if not first imagine how well, how sweet the wife or husband of others. Ruthless killer does not kill in self-defense, but it all starts from the embryo of sin in the mind, imagination, feelings, and emotions. Therein lies the birth of sin. David learned from his own mistakes, that's why now he can have victory over sin by way of soothing and silence, or not cultivate his own soul desires, even David says his soul like a weaned child, no longer connected, though still close to him.
How a person treats his soul as "... a weaned child lay near her mother, yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me."? But maintained that the soul is subject specifically. Fed the "mother think is good, not the child likes". The soul began to learn to "eat-foods other than milk", began to be taught to adults, but still in control and continues to be maintained. If we are willing to teach our souls to begin to become adults, like children are out of milk, slowly, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and dreams we'll get used to eating food that is needed even less palatable, not just the easy and delicious. Indeed, such is the way to win over sin, fight and educate our souls true, do not always serve let alone indulge his will.
Have a blessed day. GBU
See also: From now learn to live fairly
From Now Learn To Live Fairly
"... This man said:" Go, fast approaching the oil, pay your debt, and live from the excess, you and your sons. "(2 kings 4: 7).
The sentence above tells the story of God's miracles that happen on a widow prophet heavily in debt, so that his son will soon be taken to be forced into slave the debt collectors. How could the wife of a prophet of God could have plunged into deep trouble? His principles, God's law applies to everyone, whether he is a prophet or convict. If God says "no debt" (Romans 13: 8), then do not try to try to violate the Word of God, because when we break them, then we are hostile to God that His Word will defend itself. It was the one root of the problem faced by the wife of a prophet of God. Hi wife, is there you encourage your husband to owe? Or the wife you were wise, that encourage your husband to live simply?

Gratitude Lord our God is a God of patience, which gives relief and aid for the needy. The way out for the widow of the prophet is releasing what was her first. See 2 kings 4: 2. Miracles happen not suddenly fall from the sky, but a little, although little of that of the prophet, the Lord used to commencement of miracles, when the widow of the prophet dare let go according Word of God. For us, it may be "a little oil" it is our extravagance, luxury living which we maintain, or perhaps our laziness. Whatever it is, as long as we do not dare let go of the corresponding Word of God is in you, and then there would be no miracle. Leave the bad things we are to power the hand of the Lord, He is faithful!
After the miracles began to happen, this is the priority principle of truth that God teaches: first of all that oil sales to "pay your debts". Try to investigate each of our lives, when we receive the blessing of God, what do we do first, pay your debt or having fun, it was a sign of mental poverty has not come out of ourselves. Supposedly a right principle is like the Word of God teaches, before even thinking of anything, PAY YOUR DEBT! First. Does not have any goods or not go anywhere streets were innocent, but do not pay the debt, that extend slavery to poverty.
I still see the same error that the Prophet did on leaving the debt for his family, so his slaves dragged into the debt collectors; it is still going on until now. Not a little child of God or God's servants who are willing to leave the debt for their children, instead of inheritance as Abraham to Isaac, as a result of sin that undermine offspring. Sin enslaves their children. Has not we want to give a good legacy for our children? Are we willing bondage bequeathing to our posterity? If we want to give a good legacy for our children, from now on, stops owe! Both ends ourselves with what is do not be wasteful and not lazy. Saving was little for tomorrow.
Have a blessed day. GBU
See also: Live by the truth
Live by the Truth
Many people are competing to do good, but not all that goodness truth. In general religions teach people to do good, but not the only religion, godless culture was taught to do well. In contrast to understand exactly what we were walking towards God who is the light itself, we can see the actions or deeds. Notice this verse "But whoever does what is right, it comes to light ..." a real sign that we're running in the draft or the way his Lord is when we do what is right, not just good. God has a purpose in all the action of the truth, namely that a witness of who God we worship.

The father, is it possible to break the hands and legs of our own biological children? ... When a father deliberately to plunge himself into the affair, is not only the feet and hands of our children that we break, life and their future that we have to destroy ... The mother, whether you have the heart to let your son dried hot or too cold all night? But when your step walking towards adultery, you are betraying the children's own flesh and blood and spit Lord ... A lot of encouragement and the reason why adultery and infidelity impressed sweet and pleasant, even absurd, but that's actually a very painful sin. otherwise "do the right thing" because that is what pleases God.
Life to do what is right, requiring obedience and willingness. Doing truth often will encounter many challenges and even losses. When we are guilty, it would be much more convenient to give reasons and arguments why we do it. While the truth will require us to admit mistakes, but this is taking a feeling and requires humility. Many cases if we try to rationalize it with our own thoughts, then it would seem sensible and reasonable for us to do, but that's not the truth. In contrast to the truth requires total obedience because otherwise, we would find so many other options for us to do that as more profitable and better. Only by doing that it is true one can say with certainty that he was walking towards God. are there you go to heaven or reverse it? If to heaven, surely life measures are working on the right. Have a blessed day, GBU.
See also: Priest in the family
See also: Priest in the family
Who is Your Lord? Christ or Money
We realize that the Bible is much talk about "money" than all the other things that exist. Does not mean that all the other things that are not important, but it reminds us how deep and evil of this case in terms of its ability to destroy human life, even from one generation to the next. Poisonous bite of this money could destroy the character of the children of God, is no exception anyone, no one is immune to poison. Certainly does not necessarily mean that the money was meant sin, but if we are not careful at him, then the poison will destroy our character entirely.

Not less we hear sibling squabbling even suing each other and killed just because of money. One of the events in Jesus own ministry, He was faced with disputes relating to this thing (Luke 12:13). One important thing to note about the defilement of the temple Bible is because the money that Jesus had to overturning the tables of the money changers table- and trading desks in the temple. Money also likely to be the cause of someone selling his Lord Jesus. How evil until he mastered the money if a person's heart and enslaved. When a man has been enslaved by money, the money that we will serve, not reserve it.
What is the evidence that a person has become a slave of money or has been enslaved by it, compared with the enslaving of money, or power over him? A master is served, which is exalted by his servants. When a man with no boundaries have been so serve money, he would be an all-out chase, break through all obstacles, and even some who are willing to sacrifice all norms and ethics in order to achieve it. Try to investigate ourselves, are we too are willing to sacrifice our integrity and cheats in order to obtain or achieve the money? Does not that mean money that has become the master of a man like that? Because what we worship or the adorable and after is Lord over us.
When Abraham was faced with the blessing and abundance, he chose not controlled by greed and lust. Abraham chose even to let Lot, nephew to first choose which way he would go to bring the sheep. Lot saw the land of Sodom filled with green grass and plenty of water. One option that is very rational for a breeder. But the real choice was driven by emotion Lot and one's own desires, so he ignores ethics and truth. Was not Abraham was appropriate as the older and who have been invited to get into the position to choose prior notice? This is clear evidence of enslaved by money, everything is sacrificed for the sake of money... Have a blessed day, GBU.
See also: The God of second chance
See also: The God of second chance
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