From Now Learn To Live Fairly
"... This man said:" Go, fast approaching the oil, pay your debt, and live from the excess, you and your sons. "(2 kings 4: 7).
The sentence above tells the story of God's miracles that happen on a widow prophet heavily in debt, so that his son will soon be taken to be forced into slave the debt collectors. How could the wife of a prophet of God could have plunged into deep trouble? His principles, God's law applies to everyone, whether he is a prophet or convict. If God says "no debt" (Romans 13: 8), then do not try to try to violate the Word of God, because when we break them, then we are hostile to God that His Word will defend itself. It was the one root of the problem faced by the wife of a prophet of God. Hi wife, is there you encourage your husband to owe? Or the wife you were wise, that encourage your husband to live simply?

Gratitude Lord our God is a God of patience, which gives relief and aid for the needy. The way out for the widow of the prophet is releasing what was her first. See 2 kings 4: 2. Miracles happen not suddenly fall from the sky, but a little, although little of that of the prophet, the Lord used to commencement of miracles, when the widow of the prophet dare let go according Word of God. For us, it may be "a little oil" it is our extravagance, luxury living which we maintain, or perhaps our laziness. Whatever it is, as long as we do not dare let go of the corresponding Word of God is in you, and then there would be no miracle. Leave the bad things we are to power the hand of the Lord, He is faithful!
After the miracles began to happen, this is the priority principle of truth that God teaches: first of all that oil sales to "pay your debts". Try to investigate each of our lives, when we receive the blessing of God, what do we do first, pay your debt or having fun, it was a sign of mental poverty has not come out of ourselves. Supposedly a right principle is like the Word of God teaches, before even thinking of anything, PAY YOUR DEBT! First. Does not have any goods or not go anywhere streets were innocent, but do not pay the debt, that extend slavery to poverty.
I still see the same error that the Prophet did on leaving the debt for his family, so his slaves dragged into the debt collectors; it is still going on until now. Not a little child of God or God's servants who are willing to leave the debt for their children, instead of inheritance as Abraham to Isaac, as a result of sin that undermine offspring. Sin enslaves their children. Has not we want to give a good legacy for our children? Are we willing bondage bequeathing to our posterity? If we want to give a good legacy for our children, from now on, stops owe! Both ends ourselves with what is do not be wasteful and not lazy. Saving was little for tomorrow.
Have a blessed day. GBU
See also: Live by the truth
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